Can You Put Glass Into a Fire Door?

In the bid to gain more light into a property many people choose to add, replace or modify their internal doors by adding glass to them. This may well be okay in a normal veneered door but can you add glass into a FD30 or FD60 fire door?
Now within our homes there are different requirements to that of a home which we rent from a landlord or a communal flat. In general terms all fire safety information can be found in the Building Regulations. Usually they concern providing a safe escape route in the unfortunate event of a fire.
If we take a communal block of flats then the most important element is to ensure that the main staircase which provides access and also acts as an exit is protected in the unfortunate event of a fire. In addition to this any landings and entrance halls need to be protected; if a fire does break out then any occupants in flats situated above a fire would be able to get out safely when the correct protection is in place.
Any existing fire door can be modified or replaced in order to include a glass panel to allow light. However, this glass panel has to be heat-resistant glass which is mounted within a suitable enclosure. Fire safety whether within a rented home or one in which you own yourself should never be something which you take lightly.
Fire doors act to bide you more time to escape within the unfortunate event of a fire they act to either be open as an exit route or closed to act as a barrier preventing the fire from spreading.
The British Woodworking Federation Certifire fire door scheme is a major organization which provides our fire ratings. Our FD30 and FD60 fire doors are their fire ratings which are stated in minutes prefixed by FD.
Commonly used specified integrity levels are:
- FD30 30 minutes
- FD60 60 minutes
- FD90 90 minutes
- FD120 120 minutes
Therefore any glass which you place into a fire door should be resistant to heat. Bespoke Complete Services can specify you a Fire Door or Fire doors specific to your needs according to your circumstances. It is now a legal requirement that any landlord fits fire doors to their properties and that these are regularly maintained.
If you play with fire then you will get burnt”
However, it is much more than that! You are playing with people’s lives and no one can put a price on that. Make sure that fire doors are in place and are maintained.